Crackdown Wiki
Shrapnel Grenade
Shrapnel Grenade
Production information




Technical specifications


Damage Per Hit


Maximum Ammunition


Fire Mode





Los Muertos, Cell


The Shrapnel Grenade is a throwable weapon in Crackdown, And Crackdown 2. It acts similar to its counterpart the Grenade but releases bits of shrapnel once detonated as the name says.



In Crackdown the Grenades Model and Design is a tall round like Shape that is painted a Silver Greyish type colour with the main top of the explosive being Black. In Crackdown 2 it uses the Grenade model that was originally used for the first games Grenade.


The Los Muertos Units can be found using this instead of the usual Grenade, When used it will explode releasing bits of hazardous material as a result which can knock down ai more far away than a normal explosion from the Grenade. So its recommended for Players to use this explosive instead. (If they also haven't got the Cluster Grenade yet). Generals of the Gang and Las Sombras tend to carry the grenade more often than a regular Soldier of the gang.

Crackdown 2[]

The Shrapnel Grenade unlike it's last games counterpart, Is more of an upgraded threat in Crackdown 2 and detonates an extra explosion upon hitting contact on the ground or object. It is only found on Cell Snipers, Grenadiers, and Machine Gunners. It is a very deceptively simple-looking yet powerful grenade that has a medium-sized initial explosion followed by a large secondary explosion. They are very useful with the Goliaths at the Beacons in Unity Heights. Two of these can kill a Goliath easily if they reach max Explosive Skill, So always bring these with you at Freak lairs later on in the game.


  • A glitch can happen where if the player throws too many of Shrapnel explosives, They won't show it detonating but it still kills the Agent.
List of Weapons in Crackdown
Agency Weapons Colby "Master" · Colby EAR50 · Colby "Limpet Charge" · MSK Lobber · HRX "Harpoon" · MZ360 "Mini-Gun" · EX1 "Proximity Charge" · VS1 "Cloaking Device"
Gang Weapons Kokov "Diktat" · Smithers "Punisher" · Dempsey SO-6 "Stub" · Dempsey 190 "Equalizer" · Harman MP-50 · Ingalls X80 SMG · Ingalls MG-60 · Harlington HMG-90 · Bastion S600 "Long Eye" · Bastion SX900 "Longshot" · Watson HE79 "Grenadier" · Watson HE99 "Hothead" · Watson HE99-X "Firefly" · Grenade · Shrapnel Grenade · Cluster Grenade
List of Weapons in Crackdown 2
Agency Weapons Assault Rifle · Flocket Launcher · Harpoon · Machine Gun · Mass Driver · Shotgun · SMG · Sniper · Stickler Grenade · Thrusters · Ultra Assault Rifle · Ultra Shotgun · Ultra SMG · UV Shotgun · Grenade · Mag · Portable Launch Pad · Proximity Mines · Satchel Charge · UV Grenade · AM Sniper ·
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